Episode Six: The Farm
The family remembers what it was like to live and work on Follinglo farm.
“The Departed Sister”
Music Composed by Nehemias “Unko” Tjernagel
Arranged and performed by David Perry
Additional music by Marcus dePaula
Additional music by Kyle Preston
used under Creative Commons Attribution license.
Concrete Corncrib on Follinglo Farm, photo courtesy of the H. M. Tjernagel collection and Tjernagel.org
Des Moines Register story on Follinglo Farm, July 31, 1915, p.10
Follinglo barn (center), with corncrib (left)
Tjernagel home on Follinglo farm
Tjernagel family record, courtesy of Tjernagel.org
Music room in the Follinglo home showing hand-made chairs and music stand made by Peder Gustav
Tjernagel Family Orchestra
Top: view of Follinglo farm from the Southeast
Middle: Bales of hay on Follinglo farm
Bottom: Follinglo corncrib